United Lutheran Church offers several Church groups YOU could be a part of.
Please call the church office for more information ( 815-654-3880 )or email us at ulc.churchoffice@gmail.com
United Bag Ladies Ministry ( men are welcome as well )
Bag ladies ( and guys) will cut up clean plastic grocery bags , refold, and stitch them into quilt blocks. These blocks will then sewn together to make ground barrier mats for the Rockford area homeless to sit or sleep on.
We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month, 10am right here at United.
Anyone with a passion to help others is welcome.
Please bring all your plastic "store checkout type" bags so we can put them to good use.
For information please call the church at 815-654-3880 or email LETTERINBGYMARG@aol.com
Bible studies:
Tuesdays at 11am . Please call or email the church for the link zoom link.
Tuesdays @ 12:30
Everyone is welcome
Join Glory Reynolds on the third Thursday of every month from 10am till noon for this study from Gather Magazine.
Here at United Lutheran Church we strive to use various forms of music and our God-given talents to praise the Lord and spread His Word, Love, and Grace in worship. Liturgy for our worship services is sung from the new Evangelical Lutheran Worship book.
Celebration Choir ~ (adults and teens) meet 9 months of the year. Rehearsal is on Wednesday evenings at 4:30 p.m. and Sunday 8:30 a.m. Church members volunteer to provide special music during summer services ranging from instrumental or vocal soloists to special small groups.
We have a Lectio Divina Bible Study group on Tuesday mornings at 11:00am. Contact the church office for further details and to add your name to the group.
Lectio Divina (latin for Divine Reading) has four separate steps: read; meditate; pray; contemplate. First a passage of scripture is read, then its meaning is reflected upon. This is followed by prayer and contemplation on the Word of God.
Outreach Committee ~ United Lutheran Church will use our congregation’s resources to help others in the community better know God’s Love and Grace through service to those in need in the congregation and community. United Lutheran Church partners with other community organizations and churches.
Energy Assistance: Also in cooperation with Pine Ridge
CROP Walk: To overcome local and world hunger
Thanksgiving Baskets: Provide food baskets for local families
Christmas Baskets: Provide food baskets for local families
Peanut Butter Sunday: Collect jars of peanut butter for the food pantry
Book Club
Garden Ministry: Growing food to donate to the local food pantry
Email the church office to learn how you might join in!
The Little Food Pantry (LFP) is small, so it cannot stock the quantity and variety other food pantries can. For this reason, it should not be relied on for meeting pervasive need. Many food pantries require application before use and have set hours of operation. Anyone may access the LFP at any time. Food pantries operate as service providers, those who use them as clients. The LFP dissolves that professional boundary. Whether stocking or taking stock, everyone approaches the LFP the same way, mediating the shame that accompanies need.
Those who wish to contribute may do so at their discretion when convenient. Demand outpaces supply, so the LFP is often empty. However, empty shelves are problematic only if no one is contributing. Generally, the pantry needs canned vegetables and proteins, personal care items, and paper goods go fast. Kid-friendly non-perishables, crayons, and inexpensive party favor items are great for Summer...school supplies for August!
Our Church has some acreage in Rockford where we have planted a wildflower garden - mostly managed by nature. We planted flowers and plants that are sought out by butterflies, hummingbirds, bees, and other pollinators.
This is a natural habitat to nourish and protect a variety of native plants and flowers. This ecosystem benefits the pollinators and the plants - an essential part of a balanced environment. At the same time, this garden area may be enjoyed by those who simply pass by or wander through.
Rockford Area Lutheran Ministries is a collaboration of Lutheran congregations and other partners that celebrate being One Church, One Body, walking together, leaving footprints. We join together to do what we cannot do alone. Click the above image to view their website.
Rockford Area Lutheran Ministries is a collaboration of ELCA congregations and partner ministries in the Greater Rockford area. Formed in 1985, RALM is an official ministry of the ELCA.
At Laundry Love Rockford we are called by our faith in Jesus Christ and firmly rooted in his power to change lives for the better. In his name, we strive to provide dignity and hope to our community through programs that provide access to clean clothes and bedding. For client seeking information on upcoming laundry nights, location or with program questions, please call or text us at 815-505-1789.
Visit www.laundryloverockford.org for more information. Laundry Love is supported with the help of The Rockford Area Lutheran Ministries.
Teens from the area learn job readiness skills and peaceful conflict resolution skills in a playground setting. The teens, through games and a drama, taught the conflict resolution to hundreds of school –aged children.
Supported through the Rockford Area Lutheran Ministries.
Click on the image above to learn more.
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